TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – After being consumed for years by people who regard it as "milk", sweetened condensed milk was eventually declared untreated by the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) .
In the absence of solid milk, sweetened condensed milk has managed to "trick" people who often serve it to children, as an alternative to more expensive milk powder.
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By circular on labeling and advertising on its dairy milks and the like (food category 01.3) in May 2018, BPOM provides strict rules for the circulation of sweetened condensed milk, namely:
a. It is forbidden to present children under 5 in any form whatsoever.
b. It is forbidden to use the visualization that its products Milk and Analog Milk (food categories 01.3) are synonymous with other dairy products as additives or complementary nutrients. Other dairy products include pasteurized milk / milk milk / sterilized milk / infant formula / milk growth
c. It is forbidden to use the visualization of liquid milk and / or images of milk in a glbad and served by brewing to be consumed as a drink.
d. Sweetened condensed milk is also considered to be harmful to health
In addition to 'cheats', sweetened condensed milk is also considered to be hazardous to health.
Consuming SKM excessively increases the risk of diabetes and obesity in children. This is due to the high sugar content in SKM beverages
"As a source of energy yes, but it is not good if children's energy comes from sugar", said Dr.Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Mr.Kes, Poltekkes Nutrition Nutrition lecturer Ministry of Health "The body has some tolerance and research explains, sugar consumption of more than 10% of the total energy will be at risk of decreased insulin sensitivity which then triggers hyperglycemia (more blood sugar levels Rita added:
Indonesia is currently ranked 4th in the world where the population is most affected by diabetes, says Rita
In a balanced pyramid of nutrition, dietary sources of protein.The content of 8 grams of protein equals a portion of eggs, meat, of fish and tempeh
"Milk should be able to give about 8 grams to the protein ine, about 250 grams to calcium and about 1 to 2 to the pyramid "If a child then drinks sweetened condensed milk up to two glbades a day, as a balanced nutritional recommendation, then his sugar intake far exceeds the division of a balanced meal for a child.
In addition to diabetes and obesity, excessive consumption of sugar damages teeth in children.
"Children who like to consume a lot of sugar in the form of milk and do not clean it immediately, then it will trigger caries dentis (tooth decay) .This research has been a lot in medical journals," he said.
Reported from Depkes.go.id Wednesday (28/3/2018), the idea of milk in consumption the daily Indonesian society has to consider several things.
inter alia things, the high prevalence of data on lactose intolerance, the risk of milk allergy and diseases due to lack of understanding on how to properly store the milk
enriched or added to d & # 39; 39, other nutrients become almost unaffordable for the general public.This is why many people opt for sweetened condensed milk
The Indonesian Ministry of Health urges people to consume fish as a source of protein more dura than milk
Watch the video above. [Introduction / Michael Hangga Wismabrata]
This article was published Intisari.grid.id titled BPOM officially expresses that sweet milk does not contain milk, it is the risk of dangerous disease behind sweet milk [19659025] TONTON ALSO:
Publisher: Fatikha Rizky Asteria N
Video Production: Riesa Sativa Ilma
Source: Digest
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