The arrest of Governor Irwandi does not affect the 2018 Aceh Marathon


Masrizal Report | Banda Aceh

The Commission found the Irwandi governor suspected of accepting bribes for the allocation and distribution of Aceh's Special Fund of Self-Government (Otsus). for the 2018 budget year Bener Meriah Regent, Ahmadi Tuesday (3/7 / 2018) the night. Basaria Pandjaitan, vice president of KPK, said Wednesday (4/7) that the money received by Governor Irwandi, of an amount of 500 million rupees, should be used for the payment of medals and Aceh Marathon 2018. [19659003] After being arrested and detained by Governor Irwandi by the KPK, many parties later doubted that the implementation of Aceh Marathon 2018 will unfold. as expected. But, the doubt was ignored by the head of the Department of Youth and Sports (Dispora) Aceh, Darmansah.

Read: OTT Irwandi Yusuf and Ahmadi, KPK Sebuts Rp 500 million dollars to buy the medal and Jersey Aceh Marathon

"Aceh Marathon will remain in compliance with the mandate of the budgeted DIPA. There is no problem because all we are referring to are the rules and regulations that apply. "Mr. Darmansah told, Thursday, 5/7/2018, that he did not have any problem. There was no effect of the corruption case that struck the governor of Aceh during the establishment of Aceh Marathon

"It is always a presumption, one guesses that it's like buying a medal out of proportion. But as far as we know, that does not exist. Because all the processes are in accordance with the provisions of the law, "he said.

Darmansah baderted that no budget for the implementation of the event had come from the time of the event. outside the procedure.

He explains, Aceh Marathon budget comes from three sources, the budget of Dispora Aceh, Sabang, and Sabang Enterprises Regional Agency (BPKS)

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He revealed that his side has prepared the budget for the implementation of Aceh Merathon 2018. A total of Rp 3 billion of the same amount of money. between them plotted for prices.

"There is no other source, only three. (KPK) Just badume you like it later we prove everything.

God willing, we do not do anything beyond that. All the budget we use according to the procedure, we do not have to spend money without complete documents, "he said. (*)

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