Japan-Indonesia Planning the meeting of the Minister of Defense


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Meeting of the Foreign Minister of Japan, Taro Kono and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi on June 25, 2018 at the end of Ministerial Defense Council of both countries Japan's ambbadador to Indonesia, Masafumi Ishii, said that if this meeting were to take place, the two defense ministers would probably discuss North Korea's nuclear weapons, the dispute between the two countries. South China, freedom of navigation and opportunities for cooperation in the field of defense. "

" Relations between the two countries continue to improve, especially in the areas of politics and security, "said Ishii Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Ambbadador from Japan to Indonesia, Masafumi Ishii, second from left, at the reception organized by the Japanese Embbady in Jakarta on Thursday, May 5, 2018 on the occasion of the Day of Self-Defense Forces from Japan Source: TEMPO / Suci Sekar

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With regard to cooperation in the defense field, there is still 39, at present no defense equipment equipment that Indonesia has bought in Japan.The talks between the two countries on defense have so far been linked to future cooperation efforts that do not are not limited to the buying and selling of weapons but to the development of & # 39; Other sectors such as technology and the development of a common system.

By the way, Lieutenant-General Yudi Suwastono, director of the Indonesian Defense University, said that Indonesia and Japan had a strong commitment to promoting peace. In the field of defense, cooperation between the two countries is very narrow, including in the region of ASEAN to stabilize the region.

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