Rarely seen, here is Mesranya Mayangsari and Putra Soeharto


Dream – During this Mayangsari household life with the son of former President Soeharto, Bambang Trihatmojo. But this time, their life has been revealed to the public.

Instagram is an @lamiscorner account that downloads photos of the Mayangsari and Bambang family affection. The account has uploaded photos and videos of their 18th birthday celebration.

In the photo uploaded on Saturday, July 7, 2018, he was seen Bambang wearing a red shirt feeding Mayangsari, wearing a combination of blue-orange shirt. Also saw their daughter in the frame there.

 The Mayangsari Family

Meanwhile, in the downloaded video Bambang and the singer of the song No More received a surprise from their daughter.They received the cake as a wedding anniversary gift. 19659002] Simple indeed the celebration, but full of meaning.In photos and videos are seen this family lives in harmony, although at the beginning of their marriage was flavored by the drama bombing by the wife of Bambang to this time, Halimah, and his son

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