Victims of the fire Kemenhub Building 3 People, Not 4 Persons


JAKARTA, – The number of deaths in a fire at the Ministry of Transport building, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Sunday (8/7/2018), had risen to 3 people.

Kasiops Damkar Central Jakarta Syarifudin rectify previous that indicates that the death toll increased to 4 people.

"This was called the four yeah, but we on the ground made sure that the victim was only three years old," he said Sunday (8/7/2018) [19659003] Read also: Renovation Worker Crescent Kemenhub Fire

Contacted separately, the communications officer of the Central Jakarta Sub-Department Damkar Adi Nugroho confirmed the # 39, information

"We have corrected the information, the victim has three".

Previously, Adi reported that the death toll increased to 4 persons

In addition, the police also re-evacuated six other survivors, so that the total number of survivors who evacuated rose to 20. people.

Adi said, currently officers are still cooling at the scene of the fire. [1965900]]

One can also read: Sandiaga: 3 victims of fire killed by Kemenhub, contractor and renovation employee

The fire Kemenhub building was reported for the first time around 4:20 pm. The fire would come from the space of the CCTV building being renovated.

Up to now no known cause of this fire

Previously reported, up to 09.00 WIB reported, three people were found dead and 14 people evacuated in a safe state in a fire at the building of Department of Transportation

The three men were mentioned as two contractor of a renovation project underway at Kemenhub and an employee. has changed this news on the last update of Damkar. Previously, the Damkar party mentioned that the number of victims increased to 4 people [19] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function ( ) {n.callMethod?
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