The influence of Indonesia in Australia may be more powerful than China


If the pace of economic growth remains such that it is today, Indonesia would be one of the most powerful countries in the world in the decades to come.

But China's emerging problems continue to overshadow Australia's foreign policy.

This is what Professor Hugh White, strategist at the Australian National University, tells in the main essay of the last Australian Foreign Affairs Magazine

"Indonesia, our neighbor next door, will be a very rich and therefore very powerful country.And Professor White told ABC

According to Professor White, the Australian Government currently believes that the economy of the United Indonesia will be three times larger than Australia by 2030. It could even be the fourth largest in the world by 2050.

"The Indonesian economy is spelled out funny. The reason, in some ways, seems very unorganized. So much corruption. The legal system is bad and the amount of nationalism that can hinder trade, "he said.

" But in fact, it's been so long since this country has grown on average 5 or 6% per year. And Australia sees Indonesia

Professor White explains that there are two ways for Australia to see the growth of Indonesia, it is as a potential threat or as a strategic badet in the region. "Traditionally, we see Indonesia as a difficult neighbor, very close and potentially threatening to Australia," he says.

"In general, Australia's defense policy for decades was strongly focused on the possibility of" In his article, Professor White called Indonesia a strong and egalitarian goal because the Australia would be a "great badet."

Rather, it could create "unprecedented threats" to Indonesia.

Thus, he said, whatever Indonesia choose, is much more important for the future

"He is our only strong neighbor who works together to secure the region," said Professor White at ABC

"Just like Australia, Indonesia also worries a bit about the development of Chinese power. He does not want to be in the shadow of China, "he added." Clbad = "lazyload" data-expand = "0" />

Indonesia also has concerns about China, particularly tugs with "overlapping claims". "on the territorial waters of the North Sea Natuna.

Earlier this year, Indonesia and India signed a statement stressing the importance of the Indo-Pacific region" based on rules "

It was interpreted as a reaction to China's actions in the South China Sea, there is no territorial dispute with China in these waters, but China says the two countries have" overlapping claims "in areas that, according to Indonesia, are part of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which has led to clashes in recent years

. 39 Indonesia to do what it takes for a lasting dialogue on common interests to be of paramount importance.

Australia must also strengthen its relations with the United States. Indonesia which, according to Professor White, has become "highly transactional" lately. Indonesia can be more important than any relationship we have, helping to cope with the rise of China and the changes it will bring about in Asia, "he explained

"They work together on specific issues such as terrorism or boats. understanding and broad strategic cooperation, which, I think, will be very important "

A spokesman for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs said that Indonesia was one of the most important bilateral partners of the

"We have close and comprehensive relations in various fields: economy, trade and investment," Foreign Minister will visit Indonesia next month, showing again the importance of this relationship, he added.

Posted by Farid M. Ibrahim from the ABC Article in Australia

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