Mandiri distributes financial aid to Sliyeg Agricultural Corporation


JAKARTA, – PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk provides financial support for agricultural entrepreneurs or agricultural companies. It is to support the program of business creation and agricultural digitization launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) last June.

"Our role for the program is to distribute farmers' cards so that farmers can get help from Kredit Usaha Rakyat or KUR for their agricultural capital," said Alexandra Askandar, director of institutional relations for the Bank Mandiri. ), Jakarta, Monday (9/7/2018).

A total of 58,820 agricultural cards were distributed Mandiri to farmers in Indramayu District and Sliyeg Subdistrict, West Java Province.

Read also: The Minister of Public Enterprises inaugurated BUMDes Bersama Partners In Indramayu

Alexandra states that 90% or about 47,000 peasant cards were exchanged for access to KUR facilities by farmers.

Thus, Alexandra said that the total KUR that was distributed is Mandiri. Rp 87.6 billion for 2,500 farmers.

Read also: Jokowi inaugurates the first agricultural society in Indonesia

"Special in Sliyeg the chain has reached 1,163 farmers worth 30.6 billion rupiahs.This figure continues to grow as it can be added to the peasant card that we validate and deserve this KUR, "adds Alexandra.

As previously announced, President Jokowi launched the first peasant society in Sliyeg, Indramayu, West Java in early July 19659004] The collaboration program of BUMDes and Koperasi

The program is in the form of the first farmers' badociation with the name Sliyeg Joint Village Enterprise (MBB) Partnership MBB Sliyeg hosts agricultural activities ranging from pre-planting, planting, MBB harvest Sliyeg also provides KUR services, distribution of subsidized fertilizers, and market horticulture.

Currently listed up to 7,009 farmers incorporated in 127 (19659002) MBB Sliyeg itself has a grid separator technology, rice driers, to a modern packaging system that can be used (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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