A former Apple employee arrested for stealing secret files


Zang decides to settle in China

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIJING – A former Apple employee is arrested on suspicion of theft of secret files belonging to the company . Reuters reports that Xiaolang Zhang was charged with stealing circuit boards and computer servers in the Cupertino self-driving laboratory. He was caught taking commercial secrets from Apple.

Zhang was charged with downloading a 25-page blue print for the driver's circuit. Not only that, Zhang would also have downloaded some manuals and technical reports into his wife's computer. Zhang admitted that he had downloaded file Apple's self-driving car. In fact, he can still access the file despite being registered as a former employee.

Another object that he stole, that is, material from the company's lab. That's what he did to get a better position in the company. Zhang is known for designing and testing circuit boards to badyze sensor data at Apple. He wanted to know secret information about the development of driverless auto technology.

Zhang then resigned from Apple and said that he wanted to settle in China. But the company later discovered, Zhang has been working in the new car industry EV Local Xiaopeng Motors company after returning from leave. But Apple officials quickly discovered and reported to the police the theft.

Apple knew something suspicious of Zhang because there was an increase in network activity. The company then discovered that Zhang was not in China according to the records of leave. Zhang was arrested later on July 7 at the San Jose airport while he was traveling to China.

A spokeswoman for Apple said the company was very confident about the secrecy and protection of intellectual property. "We are working with the authorities on this case, no matter who the person involved will be responsible for," Apple wrote in a statement. Currently, Apple is already testing unmanned vehicles. But Apple has not revealed about the technology.

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