Xiaomi Mi Max 3 will be released officially on July 19, 2018


Merdeka.com – Good news, tablet smartphones are often called phablet of the last Xiaomi will soon come out. Even the China company has confirmed the release date of the device named Mi Max 3.

Based on the Tech Update 3 reports (12/7), Xiaomi Mi Max 3 will be next week, exactly the 19th July.

Xiaomi Mi Max 3 will have a high capacity battery, which is 5500mAh. Just for the information, Mi Max 2 years ago was pretty strong with the 5300mAh battery.

Xiaomi Mi Max 3 2018 Weibo

Do not stop there, another leak also reveals that Xiaomi Mi Max 3 also has a dual camera configuration at the back of each 12MP and 5MP.

Based on the same source, Xiaomi will also launch Mi Max 3 Pro. Which of these devices will be more "fierce" Mi Max 3 standard. Of course, the price will also be more expensive.

If that's true, most likely Xiaomi Mi Max 3 will have three color variants, namely Black, Gold and Rose. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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