Gatot Brajamusti sentenced to 1 year in prison for possession of senpi and rare animals


JAKARTA – – The accused Gatot Brajamusti was sentenced to one year in prison for possession of firearms and endangered species in a verdict Thursday (12/7/2018) by the South Jakarta District Court. 19659002] "Judge and Declare Gatot Brajamusti aka Aa Gatot has been proven lawful and convicting guilty of committing criminal acts of possessing and keeping alive protected animals and storing illegal firearms with ammunition, punishing them Accused with a year of imprisonment "Achmad Guntur in a court verdict that was not followed by Gatot because in a period of laughter at the Pengayoman Hospital, Cipinang, East Jakarta

The decision to punish Gatot for a one-year prison sentence after weighing the punishment that Gatot received earlier. Gatot was sentenced by High Court (PT) Mararam, West Nusa Tenggara, 10 years in prison for drug-related narcotics abuse in July 2017.

In addition, the Jakarta District Court also sentenced Gatot to nine years imprisonment for an immoral case in April 2018. This means that the total prison sentence that Gatot is 19 years old.

See also: Attend the session, Gatot Brajamusti ambulance and wheelchair wheelchair

"Considering that against the imprisonment imposed on the defendant as the provisions of Article 12 paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 4 of the Penal Code, it can be concluded that the duration of imprisonment for a certain period of time should not exceed 20 years, "said Guntur

1990 on the conservation of biological natural resources and ecosystems for to have protected live animals.

In addition, Gatot is also considered to be nggar Article 1 Paragraph 1 Emergency Law Number 12 Year 1951 for the Possession of Firearms

In drafting this verdict, the judges said that there were compromising and enlightening things.The burden is that, as a public figure, the act of Gatot does not support the government's program in the preservation of animals and animal diversity so as not to extinguish. While the accused was polite during the trial, the accused was the backbone of the family, the accused acknowledged and regretted his actions, and the defendant did not know that his act was illegal.

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