JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The registration of candidates for legislative (caleg) has been open simultaneously since July 4, 2018. But until July 16, 2018 or the closing of H- 1, the registration of candidates and the DPRD is still minimal.
From the beginning, KPU and Bawaslu have alerted the political parties participating in the 2019 general election to prepare themselves to register their candidates from the beginning. However, political parties opted for the second finals
Monday (16/7/2018), of 16 political parties participating in the 2019 general election, a single political party registered the legislative candidate of the House representatives, namely the Nasdem party. This means that there are 15 political parties that have not yet registered.
At the local level, the situation is similar. According to monitoring data from Bawaslu until Monday night, the registration of legislative candidates is also minimal.
See also: Last day of registration Caleg, 15 political parties come to KPU today
In East Kalimantan and Gorontalo. In southeastern Sulawesi, only 5 parties are registered.
In central Sulawesi, Bengkulu, West Papua, Bali, DKI Jakarta, Bali, Jambi and Banten have only three parties. Meanwhile, South Sulawesi, Papua, NTT, Riau, West Java, North Maluku, Yogyakarta and West Sulawesi are only two parties
As for North Sulawesi, Maluku, South Sumatra East Java, West Kalimantan, NTB and North Sumatra. 1 part. Even in Central Java, no political party has registered its candidates
Coordinator of the Division of Socialization and Supervision, Mochammad Afiffudin rate, the condition will make the last day of enlistment.
See also: Bawaslu: As Mudik, Registration Congestion Caleg
The fifteen political parties that have not registered will be sure to go en mbade to the KPU office. He also equates the situation is like going home Idul Fitri
"If in this mudik predicts the congestion of the administrative record caleg jam," he said Monday at the office of Bawalsu.
Bawaslu does not expect any decision to extend the registration of candidates. Because if that happens, the timing of the 2019 election process will be disrupted.
Therefore, Bawaslu wants the registration of candidates on the last day goes well. All political parties must also register their candidates on the last day of registration
See also: Bawaslu No I do not want a recommendation for the renewal of registration caleg
Commissioner Khammer Ilham Saputra reminded all political parties to attend and register their candidates.
The absent party and the registration of candidates for tomorrow are considered as not participating in the Pileg 2019 contest.
"The consequences of those who did not come before the deadline n '# 39; have not registered the candidates, "Sebastian told KPU on Monday.
He insisted that there would be no extension for political parties that were late to register their candidates either at the central, provincial or district / city level DPRD
So the political parties list today or do not take part in the 2019 legislative elections.
Kompas TV Three days before the closing of the registration of the candidates to the legislative elections, it is still there no political party to register the application (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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