Mari Terobaru seeing Vicky Shu's struggle during childbirth

[ad_1] – A happy feeling is felt by Vicky Shu and her husband, Ade Imam Prabowo Harianto Nugroho Putro. They just welcome the birth of their baby on Monday (16/7) at RSPI Bintaro, South Tangerang by a normal process.

Was met at preskon on Tuesday (17/7) yesterday, Vicky Shu was admitted if before birth she had experienced a great contraction. Worse still, the contraction lasted almost 24 hours.

Seeing this, Ade Imam was trying to give his wife his wit. "Yes, the name of the mental state of people up and down, he can go Vicky early is still strong, but after a continuous contraction yes his name people have had time to write so. yes [nous sommes forts]"he said.

  Ade continues to support Vicky ©® / Muhammad Akrom Sukarya Ade continues to support Vicky ©® / Muhammad Akrom Sukarya

Continuing its history, l & # 39; Vicky's condition was really painful. He even had time to vomit and unable to fill his stomach to feel weak. Fortunately, the husband always accompanies and tries to cheer him up by inviting Vicky to dance.

"If the mattress doang even double sick, so diarahin road, play, he likes to jog listen to music, I bawain speakers in our room joget- Joget, what is important, it is that He relaxes the key, it's scary if he does not relax mentally, the power of falling is also lost, the momentum is lost, "adds Ade

. " Yes I am following her since she got pregnant until the first contraction of yesterday, really proud too she did not think that he could also go through the shock yes But alhamdulillah I am so grateful really proud my wife can finish everything Alhamdulillah. "

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