Comeback after 4 years of emptiness, it's Morgan Oey's hope for Smash


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Morgan Oey supports the decision of Smash boyband to reappear in the Indonesian music industry after 4 years of emptiness. Even Morgan has prayed that Smash will continue to succeed with the next projects.

"All the best aja congratulations for all, for goodluck.Congratulations future projects," said Morgan Oey in SCBD Area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (18

Morgan Oey (Seno Susanto / [19659003] Smash returns to the music industry this time with only a six-person training, without Morgan Oey. With members Rangga, Rafael, Bisma, Reza, Dicky and Ilham, Smash released his new single Phenomenon. [19659002] So, if Morgan was not invited to join, because they already had together to raise the name Smash. "Morgan Oey admits that there is no way to get in there. go there

"I do not know what I mean, I just heard from Bisma if they do a single, wellluck good," said amorgan Oey 19659002] ( tov / gur)

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