What will Gorilla Glass 6 do?


KOMPAS.com – In a year, the average smartphone users dropped his camera to a height of 1 meter by 4 times. At least according to a survey of the company Toluna.

Protective smartphone manufacturers Corning, wanted to ensure that the negligence of the user did not lead to losses. The vision is becoming clearer on Corning Gorilla Glbad 6 is claimed to be harder than twice its predecessor.

In his latest YouTube video, Corning points out that Gorilla Glbad 6 is able to protect smartphones that fell from a height of 1 meter 15 times in a row.

The cornerstone of the fall was not the grbad or carpets, but rather a rough surface made of cement. Under normal circumstances, smartphones will be destroyed once dropped from a height of 1 meter on such a surface.

According to the vice president and general manager of Corning Gorilla Glbad, John Bayne, the risk of dropping will be more common in the future. The reason, more and more people linked and can not remove smartphone from its grip.

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"(Therefore) Gorilla Glbad 6 has an increased hardness of Gorilla Glbad 5 on the side of the lr. altitude of the fall, and more important can bear falling several times, "he says, as compiled KompasTekno Thursday (19/7/2018), from Phone Arena .

He added that Gorilla Glbad 6 could be pinned on smartphones with futuristic designs using 85% glbad. The back and the front can be fully protected.

Gorilla Glbad 6 is currently being tested by some manufacturers smartphones . Not yet clear when the official release date, but remain digadang in the coming months. Let's wait. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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