Smartfren also offers unlimited Internet packages for Hajj pilgrims


Report of East Tribune Journalist Hasrul

EAST-TRIBUN. COM, MAKASSAR -Smartfren management also offers easy access to Indonesian pilgrims to keep in touch with their family in Indonesia.

Regional Chief of Smartfren Sulawesi and Kalimantan, Lazarua B Tambang said that there are internet packages for 20 countries including Saudi Arabia.

There is first an unlimited roaming Internet package (FUP) for 285 thousand Rp for 14 days until 23:59.

Smartfren also offers a special phone plan for Families from the country who want to contact their family is making the pilgrimage or to another country.

The package is offered for Rp 22,500 with 10 minutes of phone to 20 countries. For Saudi Arabia, use the phone code 966 followed by the destination number.

The validity of the package is 30 days from the date of purchase. If the quota is exhausted, the normal rate charged is Rp 2,750 per 30 seconds. (*)

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