The story of Perry Warjiyo educated his brother and his mother


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The governor of the Bank of Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, tells the story of himself once formed by great women. The woman is her three older sisters and her mother.

READ: The Indonesian Bank economically encourages active women

"I am a villager from a village around Central Java, Solo region, I am the sixth of nine children. my sister is a woman, my mother does not have a primary school diploma and my brothers and sisters are the most professional high school (SMK), only 1 is SMK, "said Perry Warjiyo at the Jakarta Convention Center, Saturday, July 21, 2018.

Perry states that it is very important in his personal life, as well as in Bank Indonesia, to continue to think and take concrete steps to strengthen the role of women in all walks of life. areas of privacy and economic aspects of life, including in economic activity.

Perry felt that measures for the economic empowerment of women were indispensable. "I am very grateful for the head of my late mother who can only produce elementary school diplomas, one of her children not only graduated from S1, S2, S3, and now alhamdulillah become governor of the Bank of Indonesia ", said Perry Warjiyo.: Politics Monetary e will remain hateful

Perry also thanked his sister for educating him to wash his clothes, tidy his bed and even other work. According to Perry, this is part of Perry's training of responsibility and leadership in everyday life.

"My three older sisters taught me in conditions that were traditional at the time," Perry said. ] Perry added that the problem of the state of mind of people, especially in the village still lack of education for women is very important. According to Perry, if women's education is high, job opportunities will be more open to women

"Moreover, if women work, their children will be more skilled. Muslim women are three times higher than fathers, "says Perry Warjiyo. 19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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