September, Sony Sell PS4 Spider-Man Special Edition


Sony will sell the console PlayStation 4 in a superb red nanometer. At the top, there is a large white Spider-Man logo.

Reported The following Web cited on Saturday (21/7/2018), PlayStation 4 (19459008) edition of Spider-Man exclusive on September 7, 2018. [19659002] Not just the usual PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 4 Pro will also be wrapped in Spider-Man themes with a bright red color following the spider color logo (19459008) Spider-Man Wireless Controller Red Dualshock , and vocator PlayStation Store to download DLC The

The city that never sleeps.

Sony has announced that the PlayStation 4 Spider-Man Edition will be sold to selected retailers in various regions. Do not worry, consumers in Indonesia have a chance to get it too.

Spider-Man has become one of the most anticipated PlayStation 4 games of the year. The visualization is very neat, which makes the fans game eager to play it

While celebrating the game days in June 2018, Sony presents various offers for games and devices PlayStation. There is a discount for the purchase of PlayStation.

In fact, Sony also sells PlayStation 4 limited edition blue color . The PlayStation 4 Blue Limited Edition comes with an iconic PlayStation gold icon on the top of the console.

The limited edition PlayStation 4 controller sticks will also be blue. The limited-edition PlayStation 4 blue console has a hard drive of 1TB and 500GB.

Sales begin June 8, 2018. It costs about 300 USD or 4.2 million Rp. June 18, 2018, Sony also granted a discount on the PlayStation4 Pro Jet Black or PlayStation Virtual Reality package. [SN/HBS]

Source: The Next Web

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