Buy and Sell Ease Prison Reduce Effect Jera


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Abdul Kadir Karding, a member of Commission III of the House of Representatives of the PKB Fraction, described the practice of prison corruption as discriminating against detainees and minimizing the risk of corruption. deterrent effect of punishment.

He asks Kemenkumham to tighten control of all prisons.

"It is possible to monitor the discrimination of fellow detainees and the possibility of a small deterrent effect," he told the Grand Sahid hotel in Jakarta on Sunday (22/7)

This is related to the arrest of the head of Sukamiskin Prison, Wahid Husein, by KPK in case of sale of facilities for prisoners.

Commission III of the House of Representatives, Karding continued, will convene the Director General of Corrections (Director General of PAS) of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Sri Puguh Budi Utami to evaluate the prison management.

"Commission III calls and evaluates immediately," he admitted.

In addition, Karding also felt that President Joko Widodo had to give strict orders to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly, to provide surveillance throughout the prison.

"The president must strengthen his orders to make Menkumham more strict and more concrete," said Karding, who also served as secretary general of the PKB.

  Kalapaskin Wahamis Hussein is wearing a KPK prisoner's vest Kalapaskin Wahamis Hussein is wearing a KPK prisoner's vest. ( CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)

Previously, the General Director of Kemenkumham Correctional Service, Sri Puguh Budi Utami, declared that he was ready to resign if he failed to implement the revitalization of the prison and the prison.

"We will see the revitalization, if I do not succeed," said Sri at the office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Saturday night (21/7).

The KPK has placed four people as suspects in the alleged corruption case of the Sukamiskin prison chief. They are Wahid himself, detained in the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) Fahmi Darmawansyah's corruption case, Sukamiskin Hendry Saputra, and a convicted felon Andri Rahmat.

The KPK also obtains evidence of kickbacks in the form of a total sum of 279,920,000 Rp and 1,410 US $. In addition, there are two Wahid cars secured by KPK for alleged corruption, namely Mistubishi Triton Exceed black and Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Dakkar are black


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