PLTU Riau-1 corruption case, KPK inspect Eni Saragih's husband – VIVA


VIVA – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inspects the elected Temanggung Regent, Mr. Al-Khadziq, linked to the alleged corruption of a construction co-operation contract of the Riau-I PLTU. Status Mr. Al-Khadzhiq is the husband of the former member of the House of Representatives, Eni Maulani Saragih

Al-Khadzhiq is interviewed as a witness for the shareholder of Johannes B Kotjo of Blackgold Natural Recourses Limited

"Mr. Al-Khadziq is questioned as a JBK suspect (Johannes B Kotjo)," KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said by text on Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

Previously, Al-Khadziq was also protected by the KPK team in an armed operation against Eni Saragih and Johannes Kotjo on Friday 13 July. However, after interrogation, he was released because he was still a witness.

In addition to calling Eni's husband, antirasuah investigators also summoned PLN Supangkat Iwan Santoso's strategic purchasing director and expert staff of the Maharaya throne. The last name was the Eni bribe broker who was also captured while he was carrying Rp500 million Kotjo. "Both were also examined as witnesses for JBK," said Febri.

The KPK sniffs the alleged involvement of Social Affairs Minister Idrus Marham in this case. In CCTV that was seized by KPK after a research for several years also revealed that there was a meeting between Eni, Idrus, Johannes, and PLN President Sofyan Basir discussed the investment project of 900 US dollars to Riau

Eni and Johannes

 Suspect who is also a member of Commission VII Eni Maulani Saragih (center) with a prisoner to the car prisoner after being examined at the office of KPK, Jakarta

Eni Maulani Saragih allegedly received a bribe of 4.8 billion rupees from Johannes for Blackgold Natural Resources Limited to enter a Riau PLTU Project consortium 1. Because PT PLN has appointed its subsidiary PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) to work on the project of PLTU Riau 1.

KPK sniffing, there is the role of Eni Saragih and Idrus, and director of PT PLN Sofyan Basir, until finally Blackgold joined the consortium of this project. Eni Saragih from behind bars also claimed his role, Sofyan and Johannes until finally PT PLN controls 51% of the badets so that his PT PJB subsidiary can appoint Blackgold directly as his partner.

Although this case holds Eni and Johannes as suspects, KPK states will develop the case. Sofyan Basir residence, PLN headquarters and PJB I office some time ago KPK menggeladah. (mus)

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