Research proves, views about players now …


JAKARTA – Dell, the state-run notebook company Uncle Sam, recently conducted research on 5,763 players in 11 countries. The result, the definition has changed, this time the players are no longer people who do not have a life that only plays at home.

"The perceptions about the players have changed.Now this player yes the people around us," said Tjipto Suparti Consumer Country Director of Dell Indonesia in Jakarta on Thursday (26/07/2018).

The changing definition of this player is due to the online platform, social media and the advent of electronic sport this time around. The gaming community is growing.

From the worker, until the women who sat next to the time increased the number of commuters. Even just 14% of the numbers in the game are concerned about the gender of their opponents.

Through the investigation, he compares only 1 out of 10 shame angry called as a player. Instead of 35% feel that the player's etiquette is a positive label, 29% of good, 26% of the mood periods called that's a player.

"Now they are not ashamed to admit that they are players." The term "player" is no longer considered a mockery, "adds Tjipto. [19659003] If time does not play games, they also have other hobbies like music, sports and socialization.
In addition, Tjipto also expressed the utility of the ebrmain game that is to improve the expertise on leadership issues, strategic thinking, and can improve the coordination between the eyes with the hand.


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