Attacked by Kiki Challenge Virus – VIVA


VIVA – In the present digital age, many people are competing to create video content on various social media accounts, from Instagram to Youtube. They make impressions in accordance with subjects that are hot and trendy. The virus is contagious, no matter what content considered unique and sometimes even crazy, many imitate it.

Not lost from our memory, how the community is excited about the emergence of the Harlem Shake virus and the Ice Bucket Challenge. Finally, the Mannequin Challenge virus has also had time to make a splash in the country in 2016.

As its name indicates, Mannequin Challenge is a video recording that contains the action of a group of people who are like a sculpture. They are silent in a variety of styles and a person records the style.

And now, a challenge called Kiki Challenge is rife in the country. Kiki Challenge or can be called In My Feelings Challenge, attracting the attention of different ages, from young to adult, from man to woman.

In just a few weeks, no less than 328,034 downloads are filled with the #inmyfeelingschallenge tag in Instagram. Not only that, on Youtube a lot of compilation videos of In My Feelings Challenge this. A variety of interesting videos are present adorn the screen of social media. Starting with success until there is a failure to do it.

For example, the compilation videos downloaded Top Ten Naija sucked 3.7 million viewers in just one week. Meanwhile, count Priska Qey successfully invited more than 470 000 pairs of eyes

  Kiki Challenge "title =" Kiki Challenge "/> </p>
<p>  By doing this challenge, he have to get out of the car oncoming Then they must dance to the rhythm of the song.The vehicle continues to walk slowly with the state of the door open </p>
<p>  <em> In My Feelings </em> The Singer Drake's is one of the mandatory songs played in the execution of this challenge.Just ordinary people, domestic celebrities also follow up to meet this challenge, ranging from Nia Ramadhani, Aura Kasih to Jesicca Iskandar. </p>
<p>  Summed up from various sources, Kiki Challenge started dancing by Shiggy in Instagramnya account <em> @theshiggyshow </em> In his video, Shiggy is dressed in a pink suit and hat on the head cleverly dancing on the sidewalk. </p>
<p>  When the parol are you from Kiki? do you like them? & # 39; hands in the shape of a heart. Then the movement seems like driving when we sing the lyrics of the song Drake's Are You Riding. The video uploaded on June 30, 2018 has been viewed by more than six million pairs of eyes, and has favored more than 600,000 Instagram account users. </p>
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