Shooting that kills the oil business man in failure due to commercial competition


JAKARTA, – Police Chief Public Relations Metro Jaya Kombes Argo Yuwono said that the shooting pattern of oil entrepreneurs, Herdi, in Pejagalan, central Jakarta, related to commercial competition . Competitors of Herdi, AX. The AX is still hunted by the police.

"It's a business problem, yes AX is also an oil business man," Argo told Metro Jaya's police headquarters on Saturday (28/7/2018)

Read also: Chronology of shooting that killed the businessman

Argo says, it is unclear exactly how to close the relationship of AX and Herdi. However, it is suspected that the AX knows the victim.

The police continue to explore the information of the authors to be able to know the identity and existence of AX

"This AX seeks us and we we hurry, "said Argo.

Four of Herdi's shootings Her initials AS, J, PWT and SM were arrested in a number of different areas in Jakarta.

Before the shootings, suspects PWT and SM were tracking Herdi's activities from the house to his office for several days

The two actors were driving a dark Inova Kijang car.

After mapping the activity of Herdi, Friday / 2018) the night of the American suspect and J decides to execute it

While Herdi walks after parking his vehicle at 400 meters from home he, USA and J driving motorcycle N-Max B-4243-SCV from behind arrive at Herdi.

Also read: Four shooters failing arrest, a person from Buron

The United States then shot Herdi closely around the neck and under the arm. Seeing the fall of Herdi, the two actors fled.

Police Can Identify CCTV Recorders Posted on Site

Police secure cars, motorcycles, guns and hats used by perpetrators. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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