Moles can be risky, so skin cancer



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Sunday, July 29, 2018 | (19659005) Photo Illustrated

[NEWSmedia] – Most of you would think that moles are mediocre. Because it may be a birth mark and not too dangerous.

However, did you know, it turns out that the mole can develop into the cause of skin cancer. Although not all moles have the potential to be a skin cancer, they should always be attentive to the mole on our body.

Here are some signs to see if your mole can develop skin cancer or not.

The mole is asymmetrical

Usually, a benign form of a mole or not going to develop into a tumor tends to be symmetrical. If you find a mole on an asymmetrical body, you should consult a dermatologist for a specific test.

2. Lifting on the skin

If your mole grows and is lifted skin, it could be a mole indicated by melanoma . Melanoma can cause skin cancer and can develop from a pre-existing mole.

3. Large

Generally, large moles are generally found and are believed to be birthmarks. However, if your mole develops and gradually, more it is possible to indicate a skin cancer. Another thing to note is to measure the diameter of your mole. If more than 6 mm should consult the expert. The size and dark pigment in moles have a higher risk of developing melanoma

4. The color is very dark and dark

If your mole is dark and different others where the color has become darker. Instead, seek advice from skin specialists.

5. Feeling itchy or sick

Generally, a mole that grows on the skin will not be itchy or sick, unless your mole becomes itchy because He is in contact with clothing or an external object. However, if the mole causes itching then you should not do it, you should consult the expert.

So, if you feel weird, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to get the right treatment. Prevention better than cure is not it? [mrk]

Publisher: Mulyadi


The risk of moles may be skin cancer

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