Beware of the increasing weight due to stress


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Stress is a common problem that afflicts people right now. Labor affairs, conferences, households, the social community that are increasingly complex contain people sensitive to stress.

According to research, stress does not just make the body lose weight. Why? "

" In times of stress, our body releases the hormone cortisol, "says a certified physician in the treatment of obesity Charlie Seltzer, as reported by the MSN page, Monday (30 / 7).

Cortisol also known as stress hormone alter ego. Naturally, cortisol does not cause weight gain.

"It is a catabolic hormone that causes a loss. weight loss by breaking down muscles and fat, "says Amanda Barnes, MS, RDN, owner of Amanda Barnes Fitness., does not mean that more pressure is synonymous with weight loss." Cortisol is actually a appetite stimulator. "Seltzer

That's the reason why when you're stressed, you want to eat." Putting on weight because of stress is very common and there is actually a reason physiological for which we tend to eat more and to claim more unhealthy foods when we are str essés, "he added. "When you eat that kind of food, your brain releases dopamine," Barnes explains.

Dopamine activates the pleasure center in our brain. It's a continuous circle that leads to an increase in appetite and cravings, which in turn can lead to weight gain.

Chronic stress can also cause damage to the adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands are responsible for the release of cortisol, but they can burn if you are constantly stressed.

This can cause adrenal fatigue, which can cause you to gain weight. (jpg)

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