Unique and Festive, there is a Betawi Cultural Festival at Premier Si Doel The Movie


Bintang.com, Jakarta After organizing a first gala for Indonesians in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on July 23rd, the group Si Doel The Movie returned to Indonesia and organized a first gala for the media and his fans in Jakarta.

No half heart, the first gala is solicited two days in a row on 28 and 29 July 2018 at Epicentrum XXI, Karet Kuningan, South Jakarta. Falcon Pictures has also organized a cultural festival that presents a variety of typical Betawi food.

There are a variety of typical Betawi dishes such as Kerak Telor, Betawi Betawi, Jajana Pasar and others. The penontom did not only watch the film Si Doel The Movie, but he could also enjoy free food

"I must first thank Falcon Pictures for wanting to save Yesterday only 80 people went to the Netherlands Today, it is not only a first, but a cultural evening, that means that I really appreciate once, my media friends, "said Rano Karno. "This is not a first regular gala, it's a two-day, two-day singer, who eats for free here," added Fredrica, producer of Falcon Pictures. See antsias the audience who attended the first gala, the players Si Doel The Movie was very happy. "Alhamdulillah's answer is no less the same in the Netherlands," Mandra said.

Aimed goal, this target message and movie Si Doel The Movie

Gala premiere tonight is also more festive with the appearance of Wizzy who sings the song Selamat Jalan Kekasih who is also the soundtrack of If Doel The Movie. Song Si Doel Anak Betawi also sang Wizzy with other players like Rano Karno, Maudy Koesnaedi, Cornelia Agatha, Suti Karno and Mandra

Curious to know the continuation of the love story between Doel, Zaenab and Sarah? Do not forget to watch Si Doel The Movie which will air in theaters starting Aug. 2. Author: Nuzulur Rakhmah / kapanlagi.com

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