TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM – Melody ex JKT48 or Melody Nurramdhani Laksani officially married Hanif Fathoni on Saturday (11/11/2018).
The good news suddenly made fans of Melody, ex-JKT48, happy.
Melody, formerly JKT48 and Hanif Fathoni, organized a wedding at a hotel in Bandung's Braga district.
Melody's ex-marriage contract between JKT48 and Hanif Fathoni took place at 4:00 pm WIB.
While reporting on TribunJabar.com, Melody, ex-JKT48, is gorgeous, wearing a kebaya during the wedding procession.
Melody, formerly JKT48, wears a traditional West Java kebaya and a dark brown skirt with cream color combinations.
Do not forget that as a western Javanese, the former Melody JKT48 also wore a siger as a crown.
Her husband, Hanif Fathoni, not only Melody, ex-JKT48, also looks great with a white shirt.
Both are white flowers pinned compactly on the head and neck of each.
The ornaments of white flowers are beautiful to decorate the room where the wedding of JKT48 took place.
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