Already many "seekers" of the Earth roam on Mars


Jakarta – The arrival of InSight on Mars adds a row of robots and spaceships that were there to perform searches. NASA itself has several.

city detikINET of New York TimesIn orbit of Mars, NASA owns Mars, Mars Odyssey and Maven reconnaissance orbiter. Then the European Space Agency, the European Space Agency (ESA), was registered as owning Mars Express and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.

And apparently, the Indian space agency, Indian Space Research Organization, had the Mars Orbiter mission, also known as Mangalyaan. This aircraft has been in orbit on Mars since 24 September 2014.

India has also become the first Asian country to reach the orbit of Mars, behind Roscosmos (Russia), NASA and ESA. They were also the first country to achieve this during the first attempt of March.

On the surface of Mars, NASA exploited Curiosity and Opportunity. The two robots sent many photos during their Mars search mission. Unfortunately, the opportunity was inactive some time ago as a result of a storm that prevented it from collecting enough energy to run.

In 2020, NASA plans to launch another rover aimed at finding traces of life on Mars.

In addition, various countries have also prepared missions to Mars. China, India, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and collaborations between Europe and Russia are now preparing for a new mission in this country.

(fyk / krs)

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