Pertamina's strategy to put pressure on imports through coal gasification


Jakarta – PT Pertamina (Persero) responds to the challenge by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to reduce oil and gas imports. Pertamina's general manager, Nicke Widyawati, said one of Pertamina's actions was to reduce gas imports.

"We have been challenged to reduce imports, which is what we are doing.An example is what Pak Airlangga (Minister of Industry) said to reduce imports of LPG," said Nicke at a meeting at the 2018 Forum CEO at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/27/2018).

Nicke said that Pertamina would develop its cooperation with PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA), one of the state coal companies. Cooperation is part of the development of technology coal gasification or the gasification of coal."We will work together to deal with coal gasification, so that the coal is converted into synthetic gas and then becomes DME. It is to replace part of the LPG so that we can reduce imports, our goal will be to reduce by 70%, "he said.
The process of cooperation with Pertamina and the AWPB itself will take place at the beginning of the year. Until now, Nicke has claimed that Pertamina had initiated this coal gasification project at Peranap, in the state of Riau.

"We are going to build the one of Peranap with the AWPB, which is what we are going to build, God willing, at the beginning of the year, the planning has started, we have started the project, we have determined yesterday the technology to use, "he added.

Nicke said Peranap was chosen because there is a source of low-calorie coal. "There is processing of low-calorie coal," he added.

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