Vice President Kalla Nilai PKS Promise on the elimination of taxes on realistic motorcycles


JAKARTA, – Vice President Jusuf Kalla felt that PKS 'promise to abolish motorcycle taxation was unrealistic.

Because almost 50% of regional revenues (DPA) come from motor vehicle taxes, one of which concerns motorcycles. In fact, said Kalla, there are areas where the tax on motor vehicles accounts for 60 to 70% of the PAD.

"More than 50% of the region's vehicle tax revenues are concentrated in the province, and it even covers 60% to 70% of the province's initial vehicle tax revenue, so if that's eliminated , what about the regional government, "said Kalla's Office of Vice President, Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11/2018).

Kalla said that taxing motorcycles is often a source of funds for the maintenance of roads and the construction of road support facilities such as fly In the region.

Read also: PKS promises to eliminate taxes on motorcycles and permanent SIM cards, what did Kakorlantas say?

"The more cars there are, the more roads are repaired, the wider the road, you have to do it fly various types must be made to serve a lot of motorcycles or cars. So, if it is removed, how are you going to build the area, "he continued.

Almuzzammil Yusuf, vice-chairman of the winning PKS (PTP) election team, has already explained the reasons why PKS has decided to implement a policy of abolishing the tax on two-wheeled vehicles of small size.

According to him, this policy is a form of incentive for homeowners.

According to data revealed by PKS, most motorcycle owners are middle to lower clbad people.

Read also: PKS: The elimination of taxes on motorcycles and the application of SIM cards for life is a concrete promise

Therefore, PKS wants to lighten the cost of living for motor vehicle owners.

In addition, they find that motorcycles have been used as production tools for the public.

Therefore, with the elimination of the tax on motorcycles, PKS believes that the public does not need to waste its productive time to deal with these issues.

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