The Sisca Dewi case trip against inspector general Bambang Pedangdut at the green table

[ad_1] – The quarrel between dangdut singer Sisca Dewi (39) and Inspector General Bambang Sunarwibowo turned around the district court Jakarta South. Sisca is now an accused of Bambang's report to the Metro Jaya regional police, accused of defaming and extortion in August.

Today, the public prosecutor (JPU) has presented four witnesses, namely the younger brother of Novi Hermawan (38), Sisca. Marwan Sasyid (54), entrepreneur, Dimas (38), private employee and Hasan Arif (30). In mid-November, Bambang testified.

Novi was introduced because of his photography profession that took a photo of Sicsa and Bambang in November 2017. The place is in one of the hotels with locations in rooms and parks. But to the judge, Novi pretended to forget the name of his hotel.

"Is there a theme?" asked the judge.

"This is not fair," replied Novi's trial Tuesday (11/27). Izul was also present as a choreographer or style director.

Bambang is present wearing a white shirt and a black suit, while Sisca is wearing a white dress. Bambang changed clothes twice. The photos are taken about 2-3 hours.

"There was something the defendant asked, should he be prawed?" judge of cecar.

"If I remember correctly, I said," asked a photo, "Novi replied.

"Is there a pose of the accused knocking at Bambang's door, then hug him from behind, do you remember?" shouted the judge again.

"Do not remember," Novi replied.

The judge asked when Novi would have returned from Bali after the photo shoot. "A few days later," Novi replied. In addition, Novi sent photos in CD format to Sisca.

Novi also claimed that he did not know Sisca's relationship with Bambang. Despite everything, Novi revealed that he had met the two-star police general.

"If I remember well in Madiun," Novi said, answering the judge's question. Novi recalls that Bambang only happened once in Madiun. He also did not know if at that time Bambang had met his parents or not.

"I do not know, because I live in my own house, there are different houses," he said.

When he had the opportunity to speak, Mr. Sisca said that if Bambang came to his parents' home in Madiun in July 2016. "You had the chance to meet Bambang's brother, remember? " Sisca asked.

"Yes," Novi replied.

Sisca then revealed that Bambang had come and stayed home on the day of the holiday. Then, he continued, he had been introduced to Novi's wife. Sisca also claimed to have contacted Novi for Bambang and her mother to come.

"So you answer" yes "Why did you say you had never seen Mas Bambang at home?" cecar Sisca. "I say you have not had time to meet you," Novi replied.

The judge then asked, "Is there a defense of the defendant?"

"It is not true that the witness only met once, because he met Mas Bambang several times," he said.

Sisca was politicized because Madiun's wife, in East Java, claimed to have married Bambang Siri on May 17, 2017 in Putri Duyung Ancol, north of Jakarta. The singer of the song "Prince of Heaven" had posted his proximity to the two-star general on his Instagram account.

Bambang denied having married a siri with Sisca Dewi and reported it to the police for defamation. Sisca Dewi was subsequently arrested on 10-12 August 2018 from the applicable direction of the Cyber ​​Criminal Act.

This general of Bintang Bintang admitted that he first discovered Sisca in February 2016. About a month and a half later, Bambang claimed to have been contacted by Sisca to ask to meet. When I met Sisca, she spoke to me about her life problems.

"My intention is only to help as a friend, but all this has become a disaster," said Bambang quoted by

In 1988, the police school that had dropped out of school had claimed that his family had been destroyed and his work was also a mess. He hopes this problem will move quickly. He revealed that knowing Sisca was the biggest mistake on his part.

After the case was brought, he was dismissed from his duties as badistant to the planning and budget (Asrena) of the national police chief, detained since 9 September 2016. Now, Bambang is the Deputy IV of the State Intelligence Agency for economic intelligence.

"Be it my fault, I have also given all this to the forces of order.My message, do not let that there are more victims like me, because it 's not safe. Not just a career, but the family will also break up, "he said. [did]

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