Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!


In recent days, the couple Gisella Anastasia and Gading Marten has become a synonym. The reason is that the divorce of the woman is very sudden. Meanwhile, the audience has ranked as both relationship goal. Gempita was undoubtedly the concern of netizens worried about the situation.

But behind the divorce lawsuit, Gisel's toughness deserves a boost. How not After chasing her husband into divorce because of trouble, she remained strong and mature, explaining the condition of her home heretics. If you do not believe, there are five proofs that Gisella Anastasia is a hard girl!

1. No matter how difficult the problem is, it stays strong in front of people. Not a few tears vibrated on her cheeks

Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!

The root cause of Gisella's divorce laws is 1.5 years old. Even if it's been a long time, it's not a few people who understand but their own family. Not keeping the sadness, Gisel chose to remain calm and to be firm. Problems are things he has to deal with, not crying.

When clarifying by video call, in front of the reporters, he remained strong. There was no cry and the explanation he gave was very strong. There is no cry for the princess's love. Imagine if you were in his position and could not stop crying. Your child will certainly wonder as soon as he looks.

2. Gisel never spat the problem in the public sphere. He knew very well which ones were fit for public consumption and kept by themselves

Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!

As a public figure, Gisel knows exactly which questions can be consumed by the public and which ones are not. Therefore, positive and entertaining things are shared. Unlike other artists, he does not want the problem to be a drama that can be exaggerated by others. The personal problems are felt so that not all parties are sad.

3. This singer also did not talk badly about her husband and extended family when the issue of divorce arose

Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!

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Editor's Choice

Have you ever heard of Gisella or insult Ivory? Never before, right? Even though he 's seen it many times, he still respected her husband and preserved his privacy. When the question of divorce arises, he closes his mouth for the real reason. This is different from other couples who often blame themselves for being wrong.

See also: Against Divorce, 10 Journey of Love Gading Marten and Gisella

4. The decision he made did not make him leave the baby. Together with Ivory, the two remain compact giving priority to the small

Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!

Even though she sued her husband, Gisel is well aware of Gempita's growth. Instead of going away and being busy, Gisel is even more compact to keep the baby happy. Both agreed to prioritize the interests of the child even if they had separated.

5. The problem that arose for his household happened a year and a half ago. Of course, the decision was carefully thought out and ripe

Here are 5 proofs of Gisella Anastasia is a difficult girl, you must imitate!

According to Gibran Marten (Ivory's younger brother), Gisel explained the problems of her home to the Ivory family. This mother of Gempita Noura explained her decision by eating together. No matter who can certainly imagine how difficult it is to say that to parents and step-parents.

To decide on a single husband, the mind can roar violently. Not yet with the reaction of people around him. Really, it's not as easy as turning your hand.

This is the proof of the hardness of Gisella Anastasia. At least tenacity, he lives problems in life, you can apply in everyday life. Stay strong, yes girls!

Also read: Divorce Problems, It's the Curhatan Gisella Anastasia That Manufactures Haru

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