The following 11 people are at risk of developing diabetes, beware of long-term complications of ambush


TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM – Diabetes is a "popular" disease because Indonesia is the 6th highest prevalence in the world.

This disease can lead to various dangerous complications such as kidney disease, stroke, permanent eye disorders.

"Every 10 seconds, a person in the world dies of this disease.The complications at the origin of this disease are called the mother of the disease," said Dr. Dante Saksono H. SpPD-KEMD, PhD, endocrinologist to the discussion on hypoglycemia solutions with Novo Nordisk in Jakarta, written in November 2018.

One type of diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus, is due to the fact that the body does not use insulin effectively or that it lacks insulin compared to blood sugar levels.

According to Dr. Dante, there are several conditions for people at risk of developing this disease.

Diabetes is also a disease that can lead to complications, it is best that everyone is alert.

• Does your child often wet the bed? Beware of diabetes mellitus, these are other signs!

• World Diabetes Day – These 5 artists have always fought against diabetes until body weight declines significantly.

According to Dr. Dante, everyone is at risk of developing diabetes because of genetic factors, while Indonesia has become the 4th largest country in the world for this diabetes.

diabetes discussion
Diabetes discussion (Nakita)

Especially for type 2 diabetes mellitus, the chances may be greater for the following people.

– is overweight (BMI greater than 23 kg / m2).

– Physical activity is lacking

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