TRIBUN-BALI.COM, SINGARAJA – Police officers from the Singaraja City area raided the Pazha mini-theater, located on Jalan Pulau Komodo, number 4 of the Gang Strawberry, Kelurahan Banyuning, Kecamatan / Buleleng Kabupaten.
The police raided this place because he was engaged in prostitution.
During this raid, the police secured IAPS (40) from Sawan, Buleleng, and the business partner, Kadek DW (38), from Busungbiu District, to Buleleng.
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They would both have acted like pimps.
This illegitimate case was reportedly carried out in the last three months.
During the search carried out on Tuesday (27/11/2018), the police found two prostitutes, serving two striped noses.
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And some contraceptives (condoms).
Both CSWs had the initials KM (29) of Banyuning Village and KYA (27) of Pegadungan Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng.
The chief of the police of the city of Singaraja, the commissioner Anak Agung Wiranata Kusuma, confirmed Wednesday (28/11) a search on the place of the tests under the pretext of the mini-theater.
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In front of the police, Ida Ayu Putu S (40) and her business partner Kadek DW (38) said they only used two prostitutes.
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