ESDM targets solar panel power of up to 1 gigawatt in 3 years


JAKARTA, – Rida Mulyana, director general of renewable energies and energy conservation at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, targets solar power plants (PLTS) to be installed at 1 Giga Watt (GW) from here three years.

He hopes that with the publication of Regulation No. 29 of 2018 of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the use of a rooftop solar power plant system for consumers of PT PLN (Persero), it can encourage the public to install solar panel roofs at home.

"A goal of about a gigawatt is installed in three years," Rida told Jakarta on Wednesday (28/11/2018).

Rida added, all PLN customers are allowed to install this PLTS roof. With the increase in the number of roof-roof systems, it should stimulate the use of new renewable energy in the national energy mix.

Read also: PLN consumers who want to install solar roof panels, look at this

"All PLN customers, both domestic and industrial, commercial and (potentially) .The goal is to safeguard the board for the preservation of a clean environment," Rida said.

On the basis of PLN data, 553 clients are currently using on the roof this solar panel. In the last 10 months, the increase has reached 64%.

Earlier, previously, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ignasius Jonan, had issued Ministerial Regulation (Permen) No. 49 of 2018 regarding the use of energy systems solar roof by PT PLN consumers. This rule is valid since it was adopted on November 16, 2018.

This regulation aims to increase the use of new renewable energies in the national energy mix and to reduce the PLN electricity bill.

The calculation of electricity exports and imports from PLTS Roof is calculated on the basis of the export value in kWh recorded in the kWh meter of exports and imports multiplied by 65%.

If the amount of electricity exported is greater than the amount of electricity imported the current month, the excess will be accumulated and calculated as a reduction of the customer 's electricity bill the following month.

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