5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!


Cancer is the scariest spectrum for women. This disease is the most deadly. According to WHO data, there would have been 90,000 new cases of cancer deaths worldwide in 2014.

With bad and uterine cancer, cervical cancer is at the top of a malignant disease that threatens women. Because initial symptoms are often not detected, many people with cervical cancer receive late treatment.

The genetic factors behind cancer in women are not the only ones. Learn more about the causes of cervical cancer to be more vigilant from the start.

1. Cervical cancer is not the same as cancer of the uterus

5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!rd.com

Because both start around the bad and the uterus, many people consider cervical cancer and cervix uteri as identical. It's also deadly, but the starting point of the spread and the cause are different.

Cervical cancer attacks the cervix precisely in the glandular cells lining the outer surface. If uterine cancer is more common in women over the age of 40, cervical cancer can be infective from an early age. Be careful, girls!

2. Where is the collar and what is its function?

5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!poteaupain.com

Are you curious to know what is the exact location of the pbad? The cervix or cervix is ​​located in the badl opening. The cbad leading to the uterus is not the exit of the urine.

For those of you who are married or who have active bad, the cervix is ​​the part that produces the lubricating fluid. The clear mucus produced by the cervix also appears during badl discharge or before menstruation.

3. Early symptoms of cervical cancer are rarely detected

5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!Unsplash / Ben White

Most people with cervical cancer detect the early symptoms early. They only discovered the existence of cancer cells after they spread to other organs. The symptoms do not show critical or dangerous conditions, so they are often ignored.

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It is easy to feel tired, there is prolonged badl discharge, changes in menstrual cycles that occur continuously and often bone pain.

You should seek immediate medical attention if symptoms persist for a long time. Especially when your badl discharge is of a strange color like a thick white, tanned like spots before menstruation, or even accompanied by blood.

Read also: The HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer. Not just girls, men also need

4. Not aware, almost all girls come into daily contact with the causes of cervical cancer

5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!Pixabay / Stock Snap

Until today, many people believe that cancer is a genetic disease. This hypothesis also encourages people to feel safe from cancer and becomes less alert.

You want to know, we are often in daily contact with the causes of cervical cancer! Lack of exercise, rarely eats fruits and vegetables, eats a lot of fatty snacks and is often exposed to cigarette smoke and pollution.

One important thing you need to emphasize is that cancer is more a lifestyle than a genetic story.

5. Can we prevent cervical cancer?

5 facts that cause cervical cancer that girls should know!Unsplash / Ani Kolleshi

Indeed, prevention is better than cure. But, can this malignant cancer of the cervix be prevented or not? You can! By applying a disciplined lifestyle, the growth potential of cancer cells is very low.

In addition, women who are badually active (who are already menstruating) can see a doctor when they need to be vaccinated against HPV. HPV is human papilloma virus that infects the cervix. Uniquely, HPV is also found in the membranes of the mouth, throat and anus.

In addition to the HPV vaccine, women aged 21 and over can also do this. badl smear. This health test will check the condition of the cervix of the uterus. The rest, always keep badl hygiene and avoid free bad to change partners.

Thus, important facts about the causes of cervical cancer that women need to know as soon as possible. Always take care of your health, girls!

Read also: Thinking about the pain caused by soda, this woman has cervical cancer

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