Cassation rejected MA, Buni Yani must leave BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga


JAKARTA, – Buni Yani had to withdraw from the pair of candidate candidates for the vice presidency of the winning national chain (BPN) number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno after the case that had trapped him had force permanent law.

"Our position at BPN is that we already have rules, they are already concerned incrachéOf course, you have to go out. He will understand, he will withdraw alone, "said Wednesday (11/28/2018) Ahmad Riza Patria, a member of BPN, at the Senayan Parliament Complex in Jakarta.

Read also: Cbadation denied MA, Buni Yani still sentenced to one and a half years in prison

Although legally binding, Riza still believes that Buni Yani is innocent. According to Riza, many supporters of Prabowo-Sandiaga have been criminalized.

"If there is a Prabowo-Sandi support group, many incidents are criminalized, many incidents are complicated, if someone complains (directly) is being treated," Riza said.

"On the contrary, if the supporters of the culprit of Pak Jokowi are guilty, we report it to the authorities, the process is not treated like ours," he added.

Also read: MA this week, citations of rejection of the Buni Yani cbadation were sent to the Office of the Prosecutor.

The Supreme Court has previously dismissed Buni Yani's appeal concerning the violation of the Information and Electronic Transactions Act (UU ITE).

The Bandung District Court Judges Panel sentenced Buni Yani to one year and six months in prison Tuesday (11/14/2017).

The panel of judges chaired by Mr. Saptono found Buni Yani legally and convincingly guilty of his actions.

Read also: 6 facts from the case of Buni Yani, 19 sessions before sentencing until cbadation is refused

The actions of Buni Yani were considered to respect the elements of Article 32 (1) and Article 28 (2) of the ITE Act by pronouncing hate speech and modifying the content of the video of the speech of the former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.

The sentence was lighter than what the prosecutor had requested, namely two years imprisonment and a fine of 100 million Rp. Three months in prison.

After being found guilty by the Bandung District Court, Buni Yani appealed to the High Court.

But the decision of the high court panel of judges actually reinforced the verdict of the district court. On July 20, 2018, Buni Yani then appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.

After this call, the prosecutor will execute Buni Yani.

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