Two judges summoned South Jakarta district court president before being arrested by KPK


JAKARTA, – Judges Iswahyu Widodo and Irwan were summoned by South District District Court President Arifin prior to their arrest as part of a capture operation by the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption.

According to Supreme Court spokesman (Suharto) Suhadi, Arifin questioned the two judges on the obstacles encountered in cases being handled, especially in those that have caught the public's attention.

"We have already asked if there were any problems, including these two people." They say there is none, said Suhadi during a press conference. at the MA building, Jakarta, Thursday (29.11.2018).

Suhadi explained that Arifin's decision to call both judges was a form of supervision.

Also read: Detained by KPK and temporarily laid off, two South Jakarta District Court Judges still receive 50% salary

This step is reasonable because the president of the court is the party responsible for the acts of his staff.

According to Suhadi, the head of the court can actually be punished if it is proven that he is not monitoring.

"As in Bengkulu, he was withdrawn, but he was treated by the Supreme Court," said Suhadi.

Suhadi said that in the near future, the Supreme Court's Supervisory Agency would review Arifin in order to review the control he had exercised in the South Jakarta District Court. The Supreme Court will also convene the president of the Jaktim Sumino District Court because his clerk, Muhammad Ramadhan, has also been secured by the KPK.

Iswahyu, Irwan and Ramadhan allegedly accepted bribes for the management of civil affairs. Ramadan would be an intermediary for corruption.

Read also: MA temporarily revokes two judges arrested by KPK

The case in question is a case bearing the number 262 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PN Jaksel.

The case was registered on March 26, 2018 with the parties, namely the plaintiff on behalf of Achmad Achmad and the defendant Williem J.V Dongen as well as the defendants of PT APMR and Thomas Azali.

The civil lawsuit consists of the cancellation of the PT CLMR acquisition agreement for PT CLM by the South Jakarta District Court.

The bribes were paid in rupees worth Rs 150 million and S $ 47,000. However, both judges have just received about 150 million rupees.

At the same time, the $ 47,000 that Singapore gave to the two judges via Ramadhan was confiscated by the KPK during a manual arrest operation.

Iswahyu, Irwan and Ramadhan are currently named as suspects and held by the KPK.

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