Get to know Brigadier General Maruli Simanjuntak, son-in-law Luhut Binsar Kini So Danpaspampres

[ad_1] – Kasdam Diponegoro Brigadier General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak was promoted to the rank of Danpasmpres to replace Major-General Suhartono, who became Dankormar. The new position meant that Maruli's rank on the shoulders reached two stars or the major general (major-general).

Maruli promotion according to the decree of the commander TNI Kep / 1240 / XI / 2018 was signed by TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto on Thursday (29/11). While the head of the Diponegoro regional military command left by Maruli was occupied by TNI brigadier Teguh Muji Angkasa.

The post-press world is no stranger to this 1992 Academy graduate. Before serving in the military command, Maruli was the commander of the A Paspampres group (2014-2016) .

Maruli, who is also the son-in-law of the Maritime Coordination Minister, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, also has experience in the Kopbadus Infantry Detachment and the Chakra Combat Detachment. Maruli also served as Danrem 074 / Warastratama (2016-2017) before serving as Wadanpaspampres. [gil]

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