Chronology of Lamborghini's accidents in the solo-Sragen report – VIVA


VIVA – Lamborghini had a red accident on the Solo-Sragen toll road last Sunday, November 25, 2018. The luxury car was driving at high speed during the rain so that the driver did not control the vehicle and did not leave the road at toll.

The red photo of the Lamborghini car crash was viral on Instagram social media @ics_infocegatansolo. In the mail, it was clearly visible that the Lamborghini car had crossed the barrier of the highway.

Sih Wiyono, head of PT Jasa Marga's ring Solo Ngawi (JSN), explained from reports of the Lamborghini car accident at kilometer 511. There were no casualties.

"The Lamborghini car crash happened Sunday afternoon at about 15.0 WIB on the Solo-Sragen toll road," he said Thursday, November 30, 2018.

Sih Wiyono revealed that the accident had occurred because the car was traveling at high speed. In addition, when the vehicle crosses the toll road, it also rains.

"The car took the direction of Colomadu-Sragen at a speed of 140 to 150 km / h, because of the rain conditions, the driver pbaded and entered into the grip," he said. .

Wiyono said that if the maximum speed allowed on the toll road is about 80 km / h. "The installed panels have a maximum speed of 80 km / h while the car is traveling at 140-150 km / h," he said.

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