Health News – Is there a way to remove cigarette poisons from the body? This is the explanation


TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM – Smoking habits have a negative impact on the health of the body, especially the respiratory tract.

Unfortunately, in Indonesia itself, smoking is very alarming.

Nearly one-third of the population over the age of 15 is a smoker, or 36.3%.

Even male smokers reached more than 66%, nearly two in three men who smoke, while women make up 6.7%.

A very large increase in the number of smokers occurred in the group of children and young men aged 15 to 19 years.

The increase more than doubled from 24.2% in 2001 to more and 54% in 2016.

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Speaking of smoking, is there a way to detoxify or eliminate poisons from smoked cigarettes?

TNI Brigadier Dr. Alex Ginting S, Sp.P (K), Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, met at the Lung Cancer Press Conference and I at the Information Center and support for cancer (28/11), to explain his answer.

"If you detoxify the poison, cigarettes that have entered the lungs themselves can not.

However, one of the ways to not be exposed to other health problems due to this cigarette is to quit smoking, "he said.

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