Mysterious seismic waves The earthquake can not be explained by scientists, signs What?

[ad_1] mysterious seismic event has shaken Earth November 11, 2018. This unusual wave is detected by a sensor worldwide.

Curiously, para scientist can not explain the spirit. What is known is that this phenomenon is related to the seismic activity of the Mayotte Islands in the Indian Ocean in recent months.

However, beyond that, all that is indicated by this unusual vibration is not yet clear.

"I do not think I've seen (seismic waves) like this," said Goran Ekstrom, a seismologist at Columbia University, quoted in National GeographicOn Wednesday (28/11/2018).

Half a year before this wave of anomalies, the seismologists were also shocked by an abnormal seismic activity.

At that time, there were hundreds of small and frequent earthquakes from about 50 km from the east coast of Mayotte.

On May 10, the region was shaken by an earthquake. The lava is also not alone, but is followed by hundreds of earthquakes.

Earthquake the largest was 5.8 on May 15th. Since then, the intensity of the shock has begun to decrease.

Until the moment the magnitude 5.1 earthquake reappeared on November 11th. Although it seemed alarming, the flock of earthquakes was not dangerous.

In this case, researchers from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris conducted an initial badysis of this swarm earthquake.

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