Ala Tricks Nutritionists take carbohydrates but do not get fat, watch the time


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The holiday season is fast approaching and you may be able to participate in culinary tours in a number of places that make "your fat mbad increase rapidly".

The question: Is there a way to eat a lot but still ideal?

Fortunately, a nutritionist says that there is a way, and that all of this has nothing to do with the amount of food you eat, but it's about when you eat it.

Although carbohydrates and weight loss are not at the rendezvous, sports nutritionist Michelle Adams-Arent thinks that there are ways to get the most out of your carbohydrate intake.

"With weight loss and carbs, again, I think people think it does not make sense," said Adams-Arent, a Mbadachusetts native who holds 39; a master's degree in public health from the University of South Carolina.

Read: Alert, the carbohydrate diet does not end up getting thin, here is the explanation

But if you eat carbohydrates at the right time, you can still get positive results.

While many people are accustomed to carbs at dinner time or as part of a midnight snack, Adams-Arent shows that carbohydrate intake in the morning or around the exercise may be better for the composition of your body.

"Our bodies are better able to use these carbs at that time and are less likely to be stored as fat," explained a nutritionist.

"Sugar is the fastest and cleanest source of fuel in your body, so we need it."

"But we need it during training, we do not need it when we sit on the couch."

"Your body does not need all the carbohydrate energy at that time because you do not use it. It's like you're trying to fill your tank with water." essence when you are not driving. "

It also revealed that overall, our bodies are much more efficient at handling carbohydrate intake in the morning, which means that they are less likely to be stored in the form of unwanted fat and more likely to be used to help us use the energy we need. (Digest / Adrie P. Saputra)

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