Financial planning is not only an investment problem, it also governs the goals of life


JAKARTA, – The management of the plan and purpose of life must be made by everyone. Indeed, in the future, many personal and family needs will have to be met.

"Financial planning is not only a question of investment, but also a reason to be in. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, the project of living for a certain period of time is not a natural habit," said the financial trainer. and founder of QM Financial Ligwina Hananto, Thursday (29.11.2018).

He revealed that before someone uses an investment product, one must first know what the purpose of the investment is.

"If we want to use a product (financially), do not ask it first, but set the objective and period first, because this is related to the risk of a product. investment that will be taken, "said Ligwina.

Ligwina explained, if the short-term needs, choose certain types of products such as savings-deposit and money market mutual funds.

"The period is 5 to 10 years, such as precious metals, fixed income mutual funds and conservative mixed investment funds," he added.

Contrary to the arguments in favor of achieving long-term goals for 10-15 years. He gave the example of taking mixed moderate and aggressive mutual funds. Then for a period of more than 15 years can take equity investment funds.

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