Tips for staying fit for new fathers who lack sleep

[ad_1] – To live a new role of father will bring about many major changes in life. It is difficult to prevent sleep time from dropping dramatically.

This is the case most often met by fathers who participate fully in the care of the baby.

Sleep deprivation can affect long-term health. That's what said WebMD Chief Medical Officer, John Whyte, MD.

Sleep disorders in men can increase the risk of obesity by 5%. The sleep disturbance in question is sleep that lasts less than six hours per night.

Research has shown that these conditions would encourage us to consume more than 300 calories a day. In addition, the foods eaten tend to be sugary and fatty foods.

Of course that makes sense, right? When the body feels tired, hungry hormones or ghrelin increase. This situation increases our appetite

"Sleep patterns will affect our diet." Sleep disturbances will hinder the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, "said Brandon Marcelo, PhD.

Read also: Attention, sleep deprivation factors that trigger obesity

These injuries force us to constantly need carbohydrates, especially fast food.

In addition, a low and short sleep quality over a long period of time will affect the levels of hormones, which further promotes fat storage.

So, how can a new father get enough sleep?

1. reduce caffeine

The caffeine will remain in the body for up to 8 hours and will create an addiction. When you consume energy drinks and coffee throughout the day, the caffeine in your body keeps your brain awake. Even during sleep.

You do not need to completely avoid caffeine. It is enough to go into debt and consume it in not excessive amounts.

2. rest work

Again, no need to stop completely. However, you need time to rest and do not need to work too hard.

The break time is important for the recovery of the body. You can complete rest time by chatting, reading books or doing other activities.

3. Turn off the device

The devices often prevent a person from sleeping. Try turning off your device, such as a cell phone, TV or any object with a screen, two hours before going to bed or at least an hour before.

The light emanating from the device will wake our brain and will not be able to penetrate to the depths to be able to sleep. In fact, sleep is very necessary for recovery.

4. Do not rush to turn on the device

When you wake up in the morning, give a break of about half an hour before turning on the device.

Before going to bed, the rituals wake up as important as the ritual. Do not let the eyes exposed to the blue light of the device when your body is not even active.

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