Sad, NASA has revealed the latest message from the Mars explorer robot


NASA itself has promised to send more sound recordings to Mars in the years to come.

Later, in 2020, NASA will also send again rover new with two microphones equipped with JPL sensors.

The second transmitter is part of the SuperCam component and detects other sounds from Mars.

NASA's latest exploration mission on Mars will certainly be ready.

The reason, the robots rover NASA, InSight, has managed to land safely on the surface of the red planet.

City of The edgeOn Tuesday (27/11/2018), this robot managed to reach the surface after going through the terror from the atmosphere of Mars. For your information, NASA recognizes that the atmosphere of NASA is hard to penetrate.

The atmosphere of the planet is considered too thin, while incoming planes usually arrive at high speed. The plane must be able to reduce its speed as quickly as possible so as not to hit the surface.

(Dam / Ysl)

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