TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Cigarettes contain three harmful substances, namely addictive nicotine, toxins or poisons and carcinogenic cancer triggers. A tobacco cigarette contains about 4,000 types of poisons and 60 direct carcinogens.
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These harmful substances threaten not only active smokers, but also pbadive smokers or people who do not smoke but breathe cigarette smoke. Lung cancer is a cancer directly linked to smoking.
"The highest cancer risk is for active smokers up to 13 times, but pbadive smoking also helps to develop lung cancer four times greater than non-smokers," said a pulmonologist in the Department of Health. Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia – Persahabatan RSUP, Dr. Sita Andarini, Sp.P (K), Ph.D in Jakarta on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.
Note, when exhaled by smokers, the smoke can last for hours in the air, even if it does not smell or is visible. Cigarette smoke can also stick to different objects in the room, then inhaled by people in contact with these objects.
The danger is that many smokers are not aware of the impact. As a result, they are more indifferent and do not maintain themselves in good health. "They feel safe because they do not smoke," said Dr. Confisquer
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He added that many patients with lung cancer at RSUP Persahabatan do not smoke, but they live in the environment of a smoker.
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