A cell phone stolen as a jury, Wulan Guritno: Waited for good faith


Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The actress Wulan Guritno just suffered an unfortunate incident, she just lost her cellphone. The chronology of the event was distributed by Wulan Guritno through his Instagram Stories.

The incident occurred when the mother of three children was a jury in the Miss Greater Indonesia event. At the start of her download, the 38-year-old woman told her that now she can only be contacted through a direct Instagram message because she is currently busy with her lost cell phone number.

Wulan Guritno recounts how its importance might disappear. According to this London-born woman, she was forced to leave a mobile phone at the jury's table.

"So yesterday when a beauty event was held, the jurors were invited to go on stage.His name can not call the live badistant or the manager take HP. Jury table area is also safe.The missing one is not only HP 1 judge but 2, " he wrote in Instagram Stories.

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