A fear too hygienic and dirty apparently not good for children!


Fimela.com, Jakarta Many mothers forbid their children to play this because they fear being dirty and that germs enter the body and cause illness. Teaching cleanliness to children is certainly mandatory, but be aware that there are times when life is too hygienic to have a negative impact on children.

Reporting from Parenting, a new study published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology actually found that Direct contact with allergens (source of allergies) when a child is still small can actually form an immunity of the body to diseases and sources of allergies.

Direct contact with bacteria on the ground or bacteria in other objects plays a role in preventing disease, allergies and asthma in children when they grow up. This has been proven after studying 467 children from infancy to 3 years old. Each year, participants see their allergic reactions and see their daily habits at home.

The researcher was surprised by the results, that it turned out Children who spend all day playing freely with anything, the earth and those who are considered dirty actually have better immunity than children who are too banished and who stay clean when they play .

In other words, mothers do not have to worry about the fact that their children play badly, as it has been proven that allowing children to play freely and not always focusing on hygiene is good. for their immunity in adulthood. But of course, know the limits, when to clean and maintain proper cleanliness.

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