A lawyer adjusts the airport of New Yogya AP Appel Ingkari Janji – Nasional


Today, Pkl. 19:40 WIB • Viewed 23 times • http://www.mdn.biz.id/o/42061/

Medanbisnisdaily.com – Kulon Progo – Prosecutor for citizens refusing Kulon International Airport Progo / International Airport from New Yogyakarta (NYIA), Teguh Purnomo spoke after the clearing process of the NYIA construction site that was marked by riots between residents and security guards. Teguh said that Angkasa Pura and the government lied to the citizens

"Angkasa Pura, the DIY government and Kulon Progo did not agree, they called Komnas HAM on the ground, but nothing has happened and it turns out that they are plintiran ". Thursday (28/6/2018).

According to him, Komnas HAM mentioned will be presented directly to see the process of cleaning the land of the NYIA and ensure that there are no rights violations of the man in the field. However, when his side confirmed to Komnas HAM, it was not done.

"The Komnas HAM (Komnas HAM) will be presented by Angkasa Pura and Pemkab, but when we confirm it to Commissioner Komnas HAM, this is not true, so the accumulation of Angkasa Pura and Pemkab has hurt the community many times, "he said.

Teguh also regretted the land clearing process of the NYIA targeting plant citizens today. The factory was admitted not released by residents to Angkasa Pura, including buildings and houses that are still inhabited. In the near future, it will consolidate with citizens and volunteers.

"Today, there is no customs clearance notification, as soon as we respond to these actions." In principle, the residents who still survive really reject this airport project, "he adds

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