A senior deputy officer reveals the mystical atmosphere to Jaran Goyang


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM Ajun Perwira plays with Cut Meyriska in the horror film Jaran Goyang. Many stories have brought home to Ajun's film location film directed by Findo Purwono this.

One of them is the mystical aura that existed during the filming process. The story that Ajun Perwira has heard from some people about Jaran Goang's lozenges makes the atmosphere more tense.

"This is a horror film that is drawn from a true story, the mystical story becomes more pronounced," Ajun Perwira Epicentrum XXI, South of Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6).

  In the movie Jaran Goyang, Ajun Perwira plays the role of Dirga. (Ari / tabloidbintang.com)

In the movie Jaran Goyang, Ajun Perwira plays the character of Dirga. (Ari / tabloidbintang.com)

In the movie Jaran Goyang, Ajun Perwira plays the character of Dirga. In his game, Ajun must practice a number of mystical rituals. Includes reading the mantra to conquer the heart of the girl who loves.

Compared to, the theater films that he has already played before, Ajun Perwira considers the genre of horror much more difficult.

"It must be more difficult, yes, there are many scenes that I have never done before," continued Ajun Perwira .

Jaran Goyang also plays Laura Theux, Nova Eliza, Intan Rj. The film is scheduled to be released on July 5, 2018.

(ari / ari)

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